3 Ways to Support Couples During National Marriage Week 3 Ways to Support Couples During National Marriage Week
“After the preparation of engagement and the sacramental celebration of marriage, the couple begin their daily journey towards the progressive actuation of the values and duties of marriage itself.” — Familiaris Consortio, 65

“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.” — Genesis 2:24

The USCCB has designated February 7 through February 14 as National Marriage Week, with World Marriage Day on Sunday, February 12. National Marriage Week is an opportunity to consider ways to support couples, not only for those eight days, but throughout the month or year. Here are three ways to celebrate World Marriage Day and carry it through the year.

  1. Offer a special blessing to engaged couples. Your Family of Parishes may have a special Mass for couples celebrating milestone anniversaries during February. Consider having a particular time to bless engaged couples and invite their families to pray with them. Closer to National Marriage Week, additional resources will be available through the USCCB at National Marriage Week | USCCB.

  2. Provide enrichment for married couples.
    • Utilize the Together In Holiness Formation series for couples to meet monthly in small groups. This 7-part series equips and encourages couples as they grow in holiness. A group of couples meets monthly for a video reflection and discussion led by a trained host couple.
    • Share posts and articles on your social media channels from For Your Marriage.
    • Check the Communications HUB for events couples can connect to at neighboring parishes.
  3. For couples facing challenges in their marriage or needing additional support, connect them to our Marriage Coaching Ministry. This ministry connects them with a mentor couple who will accompany them to address specific issues that couples can often face. There is no cost to participate, and it is confidential. English and Spanish-speaking coaches are available. This brochure provides additional information. To learn more, contact [email protected] or 313-237-4680.
    • If you have a couple who feels called to help other married couples as a mentor couple, connect them to David Grobbel at [email protected] or 313-237-5894 to help discern if this ministry may be an excellent fit for them!

February is a great time to consider how your Family of Parishes can support married couples in ways that will bear fruit far beyond National Marriage Week. Taking time to help couples connect with God and one another helps them live out their marriage covenant, strengthen their faith, and keep them connected to your parish community.

“The communion of love between God and people, a fundamental part of the Revelation and faith experience of Israel, finds a meaningful expression in the marriage covenant which is established between a man and a woman.” — Familiaris Consortio, 12