Wave 2 Clergy, Mission Direct and Mission Support Directors gathered on December 1st at Sacred Heart Major Seminary for a day of training and formation to explore the new Families of Parishes staffing structures, discover how the Departments of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship and Finance will support the transition to Families.
Click on the links in the agenda below to access the recordings of the sessions.
The PowerPoints for the sessions can be accessed here:
- Wave 2 Director Training Master Slide Show
- Stories from the Field (Chris Piebiack and Chris Kozlowski, Disciples Unleashed Family of Parishes)
- 8:30 Mass, SHMS Chapel, Celebrant Bishop Gerard Battersby
- 9:30 Welcome, Dr. Marlon De La Torre (View Recording)
- 9:50 Families of Parishes Overview, Deacon Mike Houghton (View Recording)
- 10:00 Break
- 10:10 Overview of Mission Direct, EMD Staff (View Recording)
- 10:55 Break
- 11:10 Overview of Mission Direct Continued, EMD Staff
- 11:40 Overview of Mission Support, Finance Staff (View Recording)
- 12:00 Lunch
- 12:40 Stories from the Field – Wave 1 Director Testimony (View Recording)
- 1:10 Overview of Cultural, Deaf and Campus Ministries, EMD Staff
- 1:50 The Next 7 Months – Plan for Accompaniment
- 2:00 Panel Q&A (View Recording)
- 2:30 Families of Parishes Case Studies – Introduction and Small Group Discussion
- 3:45 Case Study Large Group Discussion
- 4:15 Closing Prayer