Best Practice
Small Groups
Community is essential for people to become disciples of Christ, the kind who will go out and tell others about Him. This is the essence of the Great Commission, and it begins, and is ultimately manifest, in intimate relationships between people – small groups. Many Catholics who have left the Catholic Church cite their attraction to small group communities that they encounter in evangelical churches. There are many ways for small groups to meet and share their faith. There are numerous men's and women's programs that lend themselves to small groups: Walking With Purpose, Endow, Momnipotent, The King's Men, That Man is You, etc. Small groups can form around faith studies offered through Bible studies, FORMED or other DVD-based programs such as those offered by Bishop Barron. It is important to designate a small group coordinator or team–leadership is the key to success. It's good to start small by choosing a short study or program that does not run too long. When a session is over, assess what worked well, what needs to change, and make a plan for the next phase.
Parish Function, Family Evangelization
Mission Direct Area
Discipleship Formation