Parish Day of Renewal 2020: Keynote Talks and Resources
The 2020 Parish Day of Renewal focused on the second step of our threefold evangelization paradigm Encounter/Grow/Witness: Grow. The virtual event included bold and innovative ideas and resources to further help every one of our parishes — and Families of Parishes — truly become hubs for evangelization in the Archdiocese of Detroit and beyond. View the talks below and download the conference packet here.
Archbishop Vigneron’s Address
Julianne Stanz
Author, retreat leader, speaker, and Director of Parish Life & Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay Julianne Stanz presented the keynote speeches for this year's Parish Day of Renewal. View her talks at and download her presentations and resources here:
Sow: Prayer in the Life of Community
Grow: Community in the Life of a Disciple
Go: Engaging Disciples in Building Community
Sean Calvin and Fr. Steve Pullis
Sean Calvin, Coordinator of Ministerial Certification, and Fr. Steve Pullis, Director of Pastoral Formation at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, invite parish leaders to engage in the ‘Year of Grow’ by taking on a challenge of reading and reflecting on scripture, either individually or in a small group. Watch now, and download the presentation below.
Anita Houghton
At the virtual 2020 Parish Day of Renewal, the Department of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship launched The Detroit Model of Evangelization Course. Anita Houghton, Associate Director of Evangelization, explains how the free online course can assist parishes in being more effective in their evangelization efforts and where to access the new resource. View the course and presentation here.
Detroit Model of Evangelization Course Launch (Slides 15 - 26)