How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays in September How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays in September
Here are some suggestions that your parish might want to utilize to help families embrace the weekly ideas from 52 Sundays. Since it is lectionary-based, you will see that many of these suggestions are applicable, even if families do not have the book. This list is not exhaustive or necessary. You will see some ideas to continually connect with families about the book as well as some suggestions for each week. You can copy everything from the book, except the Gospel passages. That is a separate copyright through the USCCB.

Let families know how they can get the content and additional resources on the 52 Sundays website , and encourage people to post what they are doing each week on parish social media channels and parish websites using the hashtag #52Sundays. As a way for people to connect with #52Sundays posts, provide links to the Archdiocese of Detroit social media channels on your social media channels, your parish website, and in your bulletin or other communications your parish uses, such as Remind, Flocknote, or email newsletters. Use these tools to remind families about each activity.

For the week of September 6, 2020
Have staff members share in the bulletin or in a video on the parish website a time when they have felt the presence of Jesus in a group; if it happens to be an experience from the parish, they may want to consider using that opportunity to remind families that they are missed and that they are prayed for regularly. Inspired by the Fun Fact about two saints that inspired Mother Teresa, have a staff member or parish leader share which saint inspires them and why. Post on your parish website and share ways that families can help your parish food pantry, like donating items or money, volunteering to organize or make deliveries, or through prayer, and let them know how to sign-up or drop-off donations. Provide a school year blessing for students and teachers on your parish website or consider hosting one in the parish parking lot, allowing for social distancing, or asking participants to remain in their cars.

For the week of September 13, 2020
Inspired by St. Joseph of Cupertino, have your pastor share some of his fondest memories from his time in seminary in the parish bulletin or as a video on your parish website. Create a meditation of the Examen or link to one on your parish website and social media channels for families to use. Have a staff member make the silver dollar pancakes and post a video of the process. Create a video tour of your confessional for your parish website; include in the video upcoming opportunities for the sacrament as well as what safety protocols you have in place at the parish so that families can feel comfortable when they arrive. Provide links to age-appropriate examinations of conscience as well as a guide to receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

For the week of September 20, 2020
In the parish bulletin, invite parish leaders to reflect on a meaningful friendship they have or a time that envy or jealousy affected a friendship. Have the pastor or parish staff members share a time when they worked as part of a team and saw God in the experience. Inspired by St. Andrew Kim, have people post on social media how far they have traveled to experience the faith and where they went. Have families send in their own family pictures to create a family collage at your parish.

For the week of September 27, 2020
Give a video tour of all the angel images in your parish, sharing any interesting stories about the artwork. Post the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel and the Prayer to My Guardian Angel on your parish website, inviting families to pray them at a specific time each day that week. Have staff members share in the parish bulletin a time when they have acted like one brother or the other in the Sunday Gospel. Invite families to share pictures of their blackberry cobbler on your parish social media channels.