How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays in October How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays in October
Here are some suggestions that your parish might want to utilize to help families embrace the weekly ideas from 52 Sundays. Since it is lectionary-based, you will see that many of these suggestions are applicable, even if families do not have the book. This list is not exhaustive or necessary. You will see some ideas to continually connect with families about the book as well as some suggestions for each week. You can copy everything from the book, except the Gospel passages. That is a separate copyright through the USCCB.

Let families know how they can get the content and additional resources on the 52 Sundays website , and encourage people to post what they are doing each week on parish social media channels and parish websites using the hashtag #52Sundays . As a way for people to connect with #52Sundays posts, provide links to the Archdiocese of Detroit social media channels on your social media channels, your parish website, and in your bulletin or other communications your parish uses, such as Remind, Flocknote, or email newsletters. Use these tools to remind families about each activity.

For the week of October 4, 2020
Provide a parish pet blessing, in the parish parking lot or virtually, and invite families to share pictures of their pets on your parish social media channels. Inspired by the quote from Marker 5.4 in Unleash the Gospel , invite parishioners to submit praise reports on ways the young people of your parish have helped or inspired their families or others. Have staff members share in the bulletin or in a video on the parish website some of the “fruit” that Jesus wants them to produce in their family or community. Post the Prayer of St. Francis on your parish website and invite parishioners to pray it at a specific time one day this week.

For the week of October 11, 2020
Invite staff members or key volunteers to share a special memory from a wedding they have attended as well as something special your parish does for weddings, if anything. Invite parishioners to share pictures from their wedding day on your parish social media channels. Have a staff member make chicken paella and post a video of the process. On your parish website, share some prayers and writings of St. Teresa of Avila that families can use. Consider posting them throughout the week, inviting families to visit the website regularly to see the new additions.

For the week of October 18, 2020
Via the parish bulletin, ask parish leaders to reflect on the gifts that God has given them and ways they serve God utilizing those gifts. Create a kid-friendly video sharing various ways that the collection is used to serve the needs of the parish. Inspired by Sts. Isaac Jogues, Jean de Brebeuf, and Companions, have the pastor or parish staff members share three people that help them share the faith with others. Invite families to post pictures of their homemade scarecrows on your parish social media channels.

For the week of October 25, 2020
Create a video where staff members reveal a time they experienced love, understanding, or forgiveness in their family and how that helped them grow closer to God. Post the Foundational Conviction from Unleash the Gospel in a prominent place on your parish website, inviting people to reflect on their mission as individuals and as a family. Have staff members share whether it is hard to love God with all of their heart, soul, and mind and why. Invite families to share pictures of their carved pumpkins on your parish social media channels. Challenge them to carve an image of your parish, your parish’s patron saint, or something else meaningful to your parish community.
