How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays in November How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays in November

Here are some suggestions for your parish to help families embrace the ideas from 52 Sundays. You will see some ideas for each week to continually connect with families about the book. Since it is lectionary-based, you will see that many of these suggestions are applicable, even if families do not have the physical book. This list is not exhaustive or necessary. You may reproduce everything from the book for your parish or school needs.


Let families know how they can get the content and additional resources on the 52 Sundays website , and encourage people to post what they are doing each week on parish social media channels and parish websites using the hashtag #52Sundays . As a way for people to connect with #52Sundays posts, provide links to the Archdiocese of Detroit social media channels on your social media channels, your parish website, and in your bulletin or other communications your parish uses, such as Remind, Flocknote, or email newsletters. Use these tools to remind families about each activity.

For the week of November 1, 2020

Post an image and a few fun facts about your parish patron saint on your parish social media channels. Have staff share in the bulletin or in a video on the parish website which Beatitude is most challenging for them and why. Invite families to pray the Prayer of St. Gertrude for the Souls in Purgatory at a specific time throughout the week. Have a staff member post a video of the process of making pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips.

For the week of November 8, 2020

On your parish website, post a video tour of your ambry and explain the purpose of each oil and when they are used. Encourage families to pray a specific mystery of the rosary with the Fatima Prayer each day this week. Utilizing the parish bulletin, share some ideas for families to start preparing for Advent this year including special happenings at your parish. Invite families to post pictures of them raking the leaves in their neighborhood on your parish social media channels.

For the week of November 15, 2020

Share on your parish website some of the work your St. Vincent de Paul Society chapter does at your parish or other good work inspired by this saint of the week. Post a short video sharing all the ways people can use their talents to serve at Mass and why they matter. Be sure to include the requirements — age, training, who to contact, etc. — to serve in that role and encourage families to pray how they can serve at the parish. Inspired by the Unleash the Gospel quote this week, have the parish staff share where they think your parish or the Archdiocese of Detroit could be in 20 years. Invite families to share a picture or video from their family talent show on your parish social media channels. If any staff members have a special talent, post a picture or video of that as well!

For the week of November 22, 2020

Inspired by St. Cecilia, create a CD or song-sheet for families to have a family sing-along. Encourage them to sing at a specific time to raise their voices together in prayer, wherever they are at. Have staff members or key volunteers reflect on a time they helped someone in need and how that helped them grow closer to Jesus. Encourage families to create signs that say “Long Live Christ the King” for their homes and to post pictures on your parish social media channels. Have a staff member make St. Cecilia Bread and post a video of the process.

For the week of November 29, 2020

In the parish bulletin or on the parish website, have staff members share how their parents or another family member helped them grow in their relationship with Jesus. Provide a blessing of family Advent wreaths or candles, either virtually or in person. Consider providing or having Advent wreath candles that families can purchase. Post a video on your parish website highlighting the uniqueness of your parish crucifix. Invite families to post videos of the crucifix(es) at their home on your parish social media channels. Provide a list of possible New Year Liturgical Resolutions and how to do them with your parish. For example, encourage individuals to resolve to pray more this year, and share with them regular prayer opportunities at the parish, like Adoration, rosaries, or intercessory prayer groups.
