How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays in January 2021 How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays in January 2021

Here are some suggestions for your parish to help families embrace the ideas from 52 Sundays. You will see some ideas for each week to continually connect with families about the book. Since it is lectionary-based, you will see that many of these suggestions are applicable, even if families do not have the physical book. This list is not exhaustive or necessary. You may reproduce everything from the book for your parish or school needs.


Let families know how they can get the book’s content and additional resources at the 52 Sundays website . Encourage people to post what they are doing each week using the hashtag #52Sundays on parish social media channels and the parish website. Utilizing your parish communication methods like the bulletin, website, social media, Remind, Flocknote, newsletter, etc., provide links to the Archdiocese of Detroit social media channels as a way for people to connect with other #52Sundays posts. Send messages to families in the parish about 52 Sundays, with a question from the book, reminders about the activity, etc.

For the week of January 3, 2021

Have a staff member share in the parish bulletin what they think it would be like to encounter the baby Jesus. Provide chalk for families to use when blessing their homes with the family prayer. Invite families to post pictures of their paper crowns on your parish social media channels. Consider including a prayer for prudence in your universal prayers to connect with the family challenge this week. Post a video of a staff member making the apple crisp.

For the week of January 10, 2021

Create a video of your paschal candle, explaining how you use it at baptisms. Have staff share in the bulletin how they have seen Jesus’ power at work in their lives. Create a fun playlist to post on your parish website for families to access during their family dance party; consider using staff members’ favorite songs. Provide 3x5 cards with the words of Mark 1:11 on them for families to utilize for the family challenge this week.

For the week of January 17, 2021

Inspired by the Gospel where Jesus asked the disciples what they were looking for, have a staff member share what they would say if Jesus asked them the same question. Have your priest share in a video what his experience is of proclaiming, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” Create a video for families to use during Lectio Divina, where someone reads the reading three times with pauses in between. Consider adding a prompt after each reading for families to know what they are reflecting on. Invite families to share their projects from the family fun section on your parish social media channels.

For the week of January 24, 2021

Host a live Facebook event where a staff member or key volunteer leads families through preschool games. They would be the caller in Simon Says or Red Light-Green Light, allowing family members to all play together from their own homes. Invite a parish staff member to share in what ways they honor the Word of God in their family. Provide bookmarks or supplies to create a special bookmark for families to use in their Bibles on this Word of God Sunday . Offer an additional opportunity for the sacrament of Reconciliation at a family-friendly time this week to help families complete the family challenge. Encourage families to share pictures of their “Catch a (Candy) Fish” recipe on your parish social media channels.

For the week of January 31, 2021

Share on the parish social media pictures of the staff making origami, encouraging families to share their own pictures as well. Invite families to pray the Adapted Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel at a specific time each day this week. Consider including a prayer for people to have courage where needed in your universal prayers to connect with the family challenge. Post a video of a staff member creating the sushi bake.
