How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays in 2021 (Part 2) How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays in 2021 (Part 2)

Here are some suggestions for your parish to help families embrace the ideas from 52 Sundays. You will see some ideas for each week to continually connect with families about the book. Since it is lectionary-based, many of these suggestions are applicable, even if families do not have the physical book. This list is not exhaustive or necessary. You may reproduce everything from the book for your parish or school needs. These suggestions were written in advance so please note that some may need to be adapted due to gathering restrictions at that time.


Let families know how they can get the book’s content on the 52 Sundays website as well as additional resources. Encourage people to post what they are doing that week using the hashtag #52Sundays on social media channels and the website. Utilizing your parish communication methods (bulletin, website, social media, Remind, Flocknote, newsletter, etc.), provide links to the Unleash the Gospel social media channels as a way for people to connect with other #52Sundays posts. Send messages to families in the parish about 52 Sundays, with a question from the book, reminders about the activity, etc


For the week of July 4, 2021
Have a staff member share in the bulletin about a time they faced rejection and how they worked through it. If your city doesn’t host a parade for the 4th of July, consider hosting a small “parade” at the parish where families can decorate wagons or bikes as floats and ride them in a route on the parish grounds. Invite families to pray the Canticle of Zechariah at the same time each day this week; consider posting it on the website as well. Post a video of a staff member making Black Eyed Pea Salad.

For the week of July 11, 2021
Create a video for your website of ways your parish cares for those in need. Have staff share in the bulletin a time when something was better with a buddy. On the 17th, invite families to share on your social media channels the emoji(s) that best describes their family. Share your parish mission statement with families and provide a worksheet or other tool to help families write their family mission statement.

For the week of July 18, 2021
Do a blessing of all athletes in honor of the featured saint of the week, St. Sebastian. Invite families to post pictures of their Backyard Olympics; consider having the staff do some of the activities and post those pictures or videos as well. Have a staff member share some ways that they spend quiet time with Jesus and suggest some ideas to families. Each day this week, post on your website a fun fact about the Catholic faith to help with the Family Challenge.

For the week of July 25, 2021
Invite a staff member or key volunteer to share how they share their gifts and talents with Jesus. Provide cards or table-tents with the text for Grace Before a Meal and Grace After a Meal for families to take home. Encourage families to share pictures of their family picnics on your social media channels. Host a food drive for the Family Challenge or share in the bulletin needed items for your food pantry.


For the week of August 1, 2021
Have a staff member share in the bulletin where they would go to proclaim the Gospel if they could go anywhere and why. Invite families to post pictures of their chalk art on your social media channels; invite families to decorate the sidewalk of the parish as well. Inspired by the Liturgy Link, make a video explaining what the priest does to prepare the bread and wine before the Eucharistic Prayer. Invite families to pray the Jesus, the Bread of Life prayer at a specific time each day this week.

For the week of August 8, 2021
Provide simple prayer journals for parishioners to use for the Family Prayer. Have staff share in the bulletin what they think people do in Heaven. Encourage families to post pictures on your social media channels of the Family Fun Activity with bubbles. Post a video of a staff member making the Celebration Ice Cream Cake.

For the week of August 15, 2021
Make a video tour of the Marian statue(s) at your parish, explaining some of the history and meaning to each piece. Invite a staff member to share in the bulletin what words they would use to greet Mary if she visited their home. Ask families to post pictures of their Pineapple Rosemary Agua Fresca on your social media channels. Host an online rosary this week, or even just a decade, closing with the Hail, Holy Queen to connect to the Family Prayer.

For the week of August 22, 2021
Host an hour of Eucharistic Adoration this week at a time that is easy for families to attend; provide times for silence, reminding those attending that you recognize that not all children are able to observe it and that that is okay. Ask a staff member to share who they have turned to when they struggle with feeling inadequate; consider offering resources or tips for different ages who may struggle with these feelings. Encourage families to post pictures on your social media channels of their games of Charades! Post a video of a staff member making the Spaghetti Salad.

For the week of August 29, 2021
Have families submit videos of them reading the prayer in the Family Prayer section; combine the videos together so that different families read different words of the prayer in one compilation video and post it on the website. Have a staff member share how they have seen people use words and actions on social media for good or for bad. Ask families to post pictures on your social media channels of their A-Z Scavenger Hunt. Offer an additional opportunity for the sacrament of Reconciliation at a family-friendly time this week to help families complete the Family Challenge.


For the week of September 5, 2021
Inspired by those who brought the deaf man to Jesus in the Gospel, have a staff member share in the bulletin a time they have helped someone else encounter Jesus. Make a video that leads families through the 5-Finger Prayer. Invite families to post pictures of their Banana Cake on your social media channels. Share the history and design of your ambo.

For the week of September 12, 2021
Host a Facebook Live with a staff member where you play the 20 Questions game; people can submit questions to try to guess the correct object. Ask a staff member to share in the bulletin how they would describe Jesus to someone who does not know him. Encourage families to share pictures on your social media channels of their Ancient Appetizers. Make a video tour of the different crosses and crucifixes at your parish, explaining some of the history and meaning to each piece.

For the week of September 19, 2021
Invite a staff member or key volunteer to write in the bulletin about a time they welcomed someone “in Jesus’ name.” Link the song for the Family Prayer to the website; consider creating a slideshow for families to watch while reflecting on the song. Invite families to post on your social media channels of their camping set-up for the Family Fun activity. Post a video of a staff member making the Kielbasa with Veggies.

For the week of September 26, 2021
Make cards with the Confiteor printed on them for families to take for the Family Prayer; invite them to post it somewhere at home to see throughout the week. Ask a key volunteer to reflect on a time when they had a powerful moment of grace in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Encourage families to share pictures of their Baked Apples or their trip to the Cider Mill on your social media channels. In honor of Priesthood Sunday, post a video of a staff member sharing about priests who helped them grow in their faith.


For the week of October 3, 2021
Host a marriage enrichment night this week and pray the Nuptial Blessing for couples there. Inspired by the Gospel, have a staff member reflect on what it would be like to be one of the children who was embraced and blessed by Jesus. Provide a list of ways families can help work for justice through the parish or other organizations (ex/ K of C). Invite families to share pictures on your social media channels of what they did for National Do Something Nice Day on October 5th.

For the week of October 10, 2021
Inspired by the Meet Our Extended Family member of the week, make a video explaining the role of altar servers at your parish and how to serve in this role. Ask families to submit videos of them reading the Litany of Trust; combine the videos together so that different families read different words of the prayer in one compilation video and post it on the website. Have a staff member share a time they gave something up so that they could focus more on God; they could also talk about how fasting can help us grow closer to God. Invite families to post pictures of their Chicken Piccata on your social media channels.

For the week of October 17, 2021
Host a rosary for families, online or in person, focusing on the Glorious Mysteries. Ask a key volunteer to share a time they witnessed a leader who served the people they were leading. Encourage families to post pictures of their Family Game Night on your social media channels. Post a video of staff members making Hummus and Tabbouleh.

For the week of October 24, 2021
Inspired by St. Boniface, the featured saint of the week, invite staff members to share the meaning of their names in the bulletin. Link the song for the Family Prayer on your website; consider making a slideshow with the lyrics for families to watch while listening to the song. Have the priest(s) at your parish share how they heard the call to the priesthood in a video on your website. Ask families to share pictures of the fall colors and décor they see for the Family Fun activity on your social media channels.

For the week of October 31, 2021
Have families submit videos of them reading the Litany of the Saints; combine the videos together so that different families read different lines of the prayer in one compilation video and post it on the website. Invite a staff member or key volunteer to share examples of what they think it means to love your neighbor as yourself. Encourage families to share pictures of their adventures when reverse Trick-or-Treating on your social media channels. Post a video of a staff member making Pigs in a Blanket.


For the week of November 7, 2021
Post something on the website each day for Vocation Awareness Week. In the bulletin, have a staff member reflect on someone they know who displays humility and why they admire this in them. Create a video helping families know how they can share their time, talent, and treasure at the parish. Encourage families to post pictures of their Thankful Bunting on your social media channels.

For the week of November 14, 2021
Inspired by the Gospel, invite key volunteers to share in the bulletin what they think it would be like to see Jesus in all his power and glory. Share on your website information about Catholic Social Teaching, especially about the Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers, to help families with the Family Challenge. Make a video to share about the options for the Memorial Acclamation and which one your parish currently uses. Invite families to share pictures of their time watching clouds on your social media channels.

For the week of November 21, 2021
Create a video of parishioners saying “Long live Christ the King” in various languages for your website. Inspired by Christ the King, ask a staff member to share how Jesus is their King. Encourage families to post pictures of their LEGO Kingdoms on your social media channels. Make a video explaining the design and history of your presider chair.

For the week of November 28, 2021
Ask a key volunteer to share who is/was one of their favorite teachers and why. Invite families to share pictures of their home Advent wreaths, whether it is one they have used before or one they just created as part of the Family Activity. Create a video showing how the church looks different during Advent; consider giving a virtual tour of your Advent Wreath. Post a video of a staff member making the Veggie-Stuffed Holiday Crescent Wreath.


For the week of December 5, 2021
Provide St. Nicholas prayer cards for families to help them celebrate his feast day. Before or after Mass for the Immaculate Conception, consider hosting a card-making event to help families complete the Family Challenge to write notes to those who are homebound or in nursing care. Provide the materials, sentence prompts, and anything else they may need to make Advent and Christmas cards at the event; coordinate volunteers to mail or deliver the notes later in the week. Have a staff member share in the bulletin what they would do to prepare if Jesus were coming to their house. Offer additional family-friendly times for Eucharistic Adoration this week. Invite families to pray the Family Prayer at a specific time each day this week.

For the week of December 12, 2021
Host a special celebration for Our Lady of Guadalupe, in person or online. Have staff share in the bulletin a time they were inspired or filled with expectation. Have the staff create puppets and put on a puppet show that is shared on your social media channels; invite families to post pictures of their puppets as well. Inspired by Gaudete Sunday, encourage families to share pictures of times they are rejoicing this week on your social media channels.

For the week of December 19, 2021
Host a rosary for families, highlighting the Joyful Mysteries; consider going caroling in the neighborhood before or after. Invite a staff member to reflect on a time they were filled with the Holy Spirit in the bulletin. Inspired by the Fun Fact this week, post on your social media channels some places that are about 81 miles away from your parish to give perspective on how far Mary travelled to visit Elizabeth. Invite families to bring in one of their homemade ornaments to decorate a family Christmas tree at the parish.

For the day of December 25, 2021
Create a video of staff members sharing ways families can share the good news of Jesus with others this Christmas season. Link the song for the Family Prayer to the website; consider creating a slideshow for families to watch while reflecting on the song. Encourage families to share pictures of their Cucumber Christmas Tree Appetizers on your social media channels.

For the week of December 26, 2021
Invite families to wear the same color on this Feast Day or find a way to celebrate as a parish. Provide a blessing for families at masses this weekend. Create blank layouts of comic book pages and pass them out for families to use when making their family comic book; have the staff create a comic book that can be shared on your social media channels. Invite staff members and key volunteers to share what their favorite thing is to do at church. Encourage families to pray the Prayer for Families at the same time each day this week.
