How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays During May How Parishes Can Help Families Use 52 Sundays During May
Here are some suggestions that your parish might want to consider to help families embrace the weekly ideas from 52 Sundays.Since it is lectionary-based, you will see that many of these suggestions are applicable, even if families do not have the book. This list is not exhaustive or necessary. You will see some ideas to continually connect with families about the book as well as some suggestions for each week. You can copy everything from the book, except the Gospel passages. That is a separate copyright through the USCCB.

Direct families to the 52 Sundays website to find all the content and additional resources. Encourage people to share what they’re doing on social media using the #52Sundays hashtag. You may also share these posts from the parish website and social media channels. As a way for people to connect with posts with this hashtag, provide links to the Archdiocese of Detroit social media channels, as well as your parish’s own social media, your bulletin, and any other communication you may use, such as Flocknote or newsletters. Use these communication tools to remind parishioners about the activity.

For the week of May 3, 2020
Use 52 Sundays content in bulletin articles or as a video on the parish website or social media. From the Take Time to Chat section, reflect on the sheep recognizing the shepherd’s voice and discuss how you know God is speaking to you. Inspired by the Unleashing the Gospel in Your Family section, explore ways that we can be on mission in our own neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, and homes. From the Liturgy Link section, discuss the design on your parish’s tabernacle. Invite members of the parish to pray a certain prayer, like the Memorare, at a specific time on Thursday, May 7th in observation of National Day of Prayer.

For the week of May 10, 2020
Use this week’s 52 Sundays material for another guided reflection video. From the Take Time to Chat section, reflect on what it would mean to you if Jesus said “Do not let your hearts be troubled” today. Inspired by the Meet Our Extended Family, Take Time to Chat, and Family Prayer sections, share why Mary is important to you or which Marian devotion has special meaning to you. Offer a special video blessing for mothers.

For the week of May 17, 2020
For this week’s bulletin or video 52 Sundays reflection, lead discussion from the Take Time to Chat section on what it’s like to be loved by God, and which of the 10 Commandments is most challenging to you. Inspired by the Family Prayer section, share an experience you’ve had with the Holy Spirit, either personally or at the parish. Drawing from the Family Fun section, share a favorite movie as a child, or a family favorite growing up. To connect to the Liturgy Link, have parishioners share pictures of the flowers at their domestic church on parish social media channels. Share a video on the parish website of a staff member making this week’s Recipe of the Week.

For the week of May 24, 2020
Draw from this week’s 52 Sundays Take Time to Chat section to reflect on this week’s Gospel about the disciples doubting, and share a time when you doubted your faith. What are some ways we can help make someone a disciple? Draw from the Liturgy Link section, and offer a virtual tour of the church. Post the St. Michael the Archangel prayer on your parish’s social media channels and invite everyone to pray it at a specific time on Memorial Day.

For the week of May 31, 2020
This week, share some 52 Sundays reflections on Pentecost. From the Take Time to Chat section, reflect on the Holy Spirit enabling the apostles to speak different languages. Discuss which foreign language you’d want to speak and why. Combine the Meet Our Extended Family and Family Fun sections by sharing about a family member that showed care and concern for you during a challenging time. Inspired by the Fun Facts section, encourage parishioners to share videos of their yo-yo skills on the parish social media challenge. Have families submit videos reading the Veni, Sancte Spiritus prayer from the Family Prayer section. Consider combining them together to create a compilation of many parish families each reading different lines of the prayer. Post this video on the parish website for the whole parish to use during their prayer time.