2022 Easter Season Family Small Groups - World Meeting of Families

As part of our diocesan celebration of the World Meeting of Families, parishes are encouraged to help families connect in Family Small Groups for the Easter season. This simple 7-week commitment is a chance for families to grow in community while reflecting on the catechetical material for the World Meeting of Families.

Parishes can:

  • equip small group facilitators

  • provide ongoing accompaniment and follow-up

  • help connect families to a Family Small Group.

The theme of the World Meeting of Families this year is “Family Love: a Vocation and a Path to Holiness.” To help families focus on that theme, there are 7 catechetical reflections with questions to use in a small group setting.

A family small group would be made up of 3 to 4 families. They would focus on one theme each week, reading the reflection, connecting it to their family life, and discussing the questions as a group. See below for the weekly catechetical material and discussion questions.

The gathering would be between 60-90 minutes each week. A sample timeline as well as other ways to make this endeavor successful at your parish can be found below.

For questions about the Easter Season Small Groups, please contact Tara Stenger at [email protected]. To learn more about small group ministry, please visit: Everything You Need to Help Small Groups Thrive - EGW (egwdetroit.org)

Weekly Catechetical Material for Easter Season Family Small Groups

Each week’s content includes a reflection, some ideas for application in a family, and group discussion questions. Also included are links to additional information about the topic.

Week 1: Vocation and Family

English: romefamily2022.com/en/catechesi-vocazione

Spanish: romefamily2022.com/es/catechesi-vocazione

Week 2: Called to Holiness

English: romefamily2022.com/en/catechesi-3

Spanish: romefamily2022.com/es/catechesi-3

Week 3: Nazareth: Making Love Normal

English: romefamily2022.com/en/catechesi-4

Spanish: romefamily2022.com/es/catechesi-4

Week 4: We Are All Children, We Are All Brothers

English: romefamily2022.com/en/catechesi-5

Spanish: romefamily2022.com/es/catechesi-5

Week 5: Fathers and Mothers

English: romefamily2022.com/en/catechesi-6

Spanish: romefamily2022.com/es/catechesi-6

Week 6: Grandparents and the Elderly

English: romefamily2022.com/en/catechesi-7

Spanish: romefamily2022.com/es/catechesi-7

Week 7: “Excuse Me, Thank You, Sorry”

English: romefamily2022.com/en/catechesi-8

Spanish: romefamily2022.com/es/catechesi-8

Tips for Parishes


  • Pray for those who will take part in Family Small Groups as participants as well as leading (facilitators or hosts).

  • Ask a few families to be the facilitators of Family Small Groups. Share with them your vision for this short-term small group opportunity as well as resources, such as this Facilitator Guide. A sample timeline of a meeting is below.

  • Decide ahead of time if you will have your staff place each family into small groups or just help families who haven’t connected to one already.

  • During Lent, start inviting families to join a Family Small Group for the Easter season. Consider utilizing the bulletin, social media, announcements, and other parish communication methods. Here is a sample announcement:
    • When was the last time you joined another family in your parish for dinner, prayer, and a time to play? Come find out how to grow in your faith by walking alongside other families in a Family Small Group for the Easter season. Meetings will be once a week for 7 weeks and you can find a group that works for your schedule! [Provide details on how to get involved.]

    • Find social media graphics to use here: Family Love Toolkit – NACFLM

  • Touch base with the facilitators for each Family Small Group to go over the material, remind them of the responsibilities of facilitating, and answer any questions they may have.


  • Pray for the Family Small Groups at your parish regularly.

  • Follow-up with the facilitators to see how they are doing, answer any questions, and give direction where needed.

  • Prepare promotional material for events that could be follow-ups for groups (i.e., continuing as a small group using 52 Sundays, a parish gathering for the World Meeting of Families, etc.)

  • Some family small groups may choose to have their children participate in the discussion. For those that don’t, consider providing materials each week that families can utilize to keep their children engaged during the small group time (activity pages, crafts, books, suggestions from FORMED, etc.).


  • Gather feedback from each Family Small Group on what was helpful and what would have helped them grow more in this setting.

  • Offer opportunities for families to gather and grow in community.

  • Invite facilitators to consider being facilitators or leaders in your Small Group Ministry at the parish.

Sample Timeline

  • 5 minutes—Gather, welcome the group, and share a get-to-know-you question with one another (Consider extending this time if you want to share a meal as part of the event.)

  • 5 minutes—Opening Prayer using the Prayer for the World Meeting of Families and any intentions from the group.

  • 40 minutes—Content and Discussion—Read through the catechetical material provided, have time for reflection on how it applies to individual families, and then share as a group on the discussion questions at the end of the material.

  • 5 minutes—Closing Prayer—Lead the group in a closing prayer or have members take turns leading, inviting them to do so ahead of time.

  • 5 minutes—Reminders/Other Business—Confirm the next meeting time and any other practical things the group might need to discuss.

  • 30 minutes—Optional game or activity to play together (Consider board games, outdoor activities, or the weekly idea in 52 Sundays)

For questions about the Easter Season Family Small Group Initiative, please contact Tara Stenger at [email protected]

For questions about Small Group Ministry, please contact Katy Frederick at [email protected]
