17 Ideas for Youth Service Projects to Advocate for the Dignity of Life in 2022 17 Ideas for Youth Service Projects to Advocate for the Dignity of Life in 2022

As Catholics, we believe in the inherent value and dignity of every life made in the image and likeness of God, beginning with the most vulnerable unborn. As we approach the 49th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a decision that made abortion legal in our country, please consider taking a stand to protect life at all stages by choosing some of these service projects highlighting those in danger of abortion.

Evangelical Charity Outreach

Most of the Pregnancy Help Centers within the Archdiocese of Detroit often need diapers and formula for mothers in need. Check with the center closest to you and see what their specific needs are. You can organize a baby drive for these items at your school or parish and make a massive difference for these families and babies. Hold a baby shower.

Find your local center and pro-life ministries. We can help brainstorm and connect with local places in need to volunteer and witness in upholding the dignity and gift of life.

Mother and Unborn Baby Care Pregnancy Help Center in Southfield offers suggestions- Baby Bottle and Diaper drive, Landscape clean up, Boutique sorting of clothes. Make baby blankets, donate hardcover baby books, write a letter of encouragement to a mom considering or choosing adoption or choosing life for her child. Contact Nancy Peterson at 248 559-7440.

Offer to make a meal for a single parent that you know.

Maybe you know a young person with a disability that you can offer to tutor or spend time with outdoors. We are all in need of friendship and support. Help celebrate the gift of your lives.


Pray outside of Abortion Clinics, participate in the local 40daysforlife near your school community. There are guidelines to help you as you pray. Choose a day and hour of the week to invite students to pray and give witness. This is outdoors, safe, and can be socially distant. A prayerful presence often gives women entering and considering abortion pause to think about other options and realize that they are not alone. So often, we hear, “if only someone had been there to offer me hope.” It is not comfortable praying outside such a location, but we can make the sacrifice when we consider the fear and dreaded confusion of those who are entering and the lives in danger of ending.

Pray for Dobbs campaign provides resources to help your church or school pray for a just decision for the Dobbs case. The Supreme Court began hearing arguments n December 1st in Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization, and the court decision will be decided next June or July 2022. The case challenges two landmark cases: Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that legalized abortion nationwide, and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which upheld Roe in 1992.

Pray a Novena for the Nine Justices- this nine-day prayer novena was written by a High school student in Lansing and can be prayed throughout the months ahead as the court hears and debates and decides the Dobbs case.

Promote the Spiritual Adoption Prayer in your school community, praying for the next nine months for the life of a child in danger of abortion

Organize a Rosary for Life: The Joyful Mysteries | USCCB or a Holy Hour for Life to pray for Women considering abortion, for the life of their babies, as well as for those men, women, siblings, and families suffering from a past abortion decision.

Write a prayer thanking God for the gift of your life. Ask him to give you the courage to give witness to others. Spend some time reflecting on your talents and passions and ask the Holy Spirit to show you how you might best support the most vulnerable.


Learn about the Supreme Court cases with a fact sheet that briefly discusses and summarizes how the United States Supreme Court has ruled on cases involving abortion.

Invite Protect Life Michigan to do a talk or organize an educational display at your school to engage other students in discussion and learn how to speak up for the dignity of each life. Contact Rebecca Cooper- [email protected]

Create a bulletin board in your halls to offer resources and engage other students to better understand and reflect on what it means to live “pro-life” with a consistent life ethic.

Contact Pro-life Coordinator Kathleen Wilson at [email protected] for other speakers and resources on life issues topics from womb to tomb. If you do not have a Human Dignity or Life Club, we can help you with the resources to start one.


Research who were the first pro-life advocates in your community or parish, they are very likely much older and have been speaking up for the unborn with very little recognition for many years. Interview them and find out their stories. Organize an award presentation to thank them for fighting to protect life. They may well have helped make life possible for some of your peers since abortion became legal.

Write letters to your Senators and Congressmen asking them to support an end to abortion. Become aware of other legislative issues that do not respect the dignity of each human life and speak up. Your voice and your vote count. Rebecca Mastee, Policy Advocate at Michigan Catholic Conference, is a great resource. Sign up for Action alerts at the Michigan Catholic Advocacy Network.

Share the good you are doing with your schools and in your communities so that together we may network and build a Culture of Life where every life is valued. Please post your ideas, actions, and photos on our Encounter Grow Witness Mighty Network to share the good news!
